Senior Fitness: Ten tips to avoid sports injuries
Since the interest of the aging elderly more susceptible to injury year. "AARP Magazine" recently to avoid an article published in a number of sports experts summarizes the old sports injuries leading 10 people.
1 Sufficient warm-up, step by step. U.S. orthopedic surgeon Dr. Katherine Ke · Yina former excessive movement, action too quickly, more susceptible to injury. Sufficient heating is essential. For example, to move more before jogging, tennis for a few minutes before running and jumping rope jumping.
2 Practice your squat. McMaster University in Canada McGee kinesiology professor Dr. Stuart Phillips, squatting in elderly care for sports injuries and keep the legs and waist to prevent the force of the best individual sports. Discreet legs shoulder width apart, back straight, squat on the thigh parallel to the ground, then rose slowly. Action is repeated 20 times.
3 Stay calm. Ke Yina said Dr. rest support can effectively exercise the older core muscle groups. Still remains similar with pumps, but the forearm bottom intact. Bengzhi fuselage 30 seconds, a little rest, then repeat the same action.
4 Hold. "After 40 years of fitness", a book author, Dr. Wright said Wanda Shuaidie exercises and balance to prevent ankle sprains. Independent practice a few times a day on one leg (is) for 20 seconds, switch legs to stand. May have some practice with eyes closed.
5 Protection of the Achilles tendon. Study found that most riders Achilles tendon rupture is a common injury. The elderly may be held against the wall, which extends from the heel, extending back of the leg, the heel stretch for 30 seconds, slowly bend your knees for 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat the same action.
6 Concerned about the pain and discomfort. Dr. Wright said that after 40 years, responsible for muscle repair modest reduction in muscle tissue stem cells also easy to tear big damage. Therefore, once found that the pain and discomfort of the exercise, do not move with violence continue, you should consult a doctor.
7 The strength of reinforced shoulder. Ke Yina said Dr. increases with age, tendons and ligaments less water, more susceptible to injury, the burden of mild shoulder. More practice chest exercise, or use of the chest.
8 Drinking chocolate milk. Dr. Phillips stated that adequate protein intake in the elderly benefit from strength. Often cocoa drink can promote muscle recovery after exercise.
9 Hardball arch massage. Heel and arch pain in the elderly exercise common complaints lead easily take several months to heal plantar fasciitis. Dr. Wright hit a hard ball (eg golf) on the rolling foot massage to relax the bow.
10th Increase strength training. Several studies have shown that strength training 14 weeks to 10% of muscle, tendon steep 64% discount. Older people should not be too difficult, strength training to avoid muscle, often wear can carry heavy objects.