Summer drink apple cider vinegar beauty and slimming!
Apple cider vinegar can not only where the drink, but also mixed salad, cooking in the universal drink. In the meantime, they can promote metabolism, regulate gastrointestinal disease in constipation and stomach, but also to help you lose weight. Therefore, cider vinegar has been the favorite of people. However, cider vinegar does not "eat" Oh, that's an advantage! MSN JAPAN author, I would not imagine you know, cider apple vinegar health magic!
Summer drink coffee so both hot weather and health
Coffee niacin, a B vitamin, higher content of roasted coffee beans. And there are the free fatty acids, caffeine, tannic acid. Coffee can promote metabolism, active digestive organs, constipation have a big impact. With hot coffee is a hot therapy, there is weight loss. Drink a cup of coffee, make the transition from alcohol excreted rapid oxidation of acetaldehyde decomposition into water and carbon dioxide. To eliminate fatigue, diet rest and sleep and metabolic functions should complement, while the coffee is with these properties.
Cherry maggots can not eat? Experts said the rumor flies and harmless
"Emergency Notification! Cherry Lane this year, a parasitic worm, which has almost the majority of cherries. Looking for the best looking more fresh cherries, made of transparent glass, pour water and a little salt, about 2 these minutes will be drilled from the epidermis intact seeking diffusion What maggots can eat. "- now this is the season of many cherry in the list, but" cherry maggots "microblogging rumors began to have letters and other common social networks. It was noted that many competitors in person, bubble cherry users will indeed be drilled by saline "maggots."
More delicious homemade frozen tofu braised
Placed one new cut tofu into desired shapes, such as triangles, leaf, square, etc., in the crisper or wrap with plastic wrap in the freezer the night before cooking to thaw frozen in advance;
"Zero fat" ice cream will eat more fat
Yesterday, Hanyang Zhongjiacun Carrefour, Miss Qian Yi paragraph packaging printed with popsicle see "fresh 0 fat," striking words, she bought two bags of 16. Submits that, no fat, do not worry about eating fat.