Beware of sun allergy trick
The summer sun is still pretty special, many people have a "response to exposure to the sun". The body of a small, itchy spots on the face Experts say that eating more tomatoes, lemons If food and other typical UV allergies to strengthen public external protection.
Children decreased vision goggles can not blindly
experts of the eye, if the child has decreased vision, should not blind children to wear glasses, you should get to know the child to the hospital for a regular review for the right vision, the position, eye, vision, refractive error binocular a thorough review of the implementation of symptomatic treatment to prevent more damage to the eyes, blind to wear myopia glasses can easily lead to the development of real nickname myopia.
Mat was used incorrectly sensitive mites
Dermatologist, the "dermatitis mat" on the causes of morbidity twice: first because the carpet material caused by allergies, usually woven with rope, reed mat grass allergy prone, and use of bamboo and rattan less willing allergy carpet. The second is by the bite of mites cause inflammation of the skin rash is often bite marks visible pinhead size or petechiae.
The range hood for your home yet
Of course driving range hoods, kitchen a room full of smoke flavor can not. Tongji University, Shanghai Cancer Institute, more than five years of follow-up survey revealed that women non-smokers with lung cancer, more than 60% of long-term exposure to vapors from the kitchen , cooking often feel the eyes, neck and other parts of the vapors are irritating, 32% eat like hot plate, closed kitchen doors and windows during habits, another 25% of the kitchen to bedroom and some windows in winter during cooking. Kitchen Hoods dangers should not be underestimated.
Summer warm feet can prevent "ringworm"
Summer, especially the arrival of the rainy season, humidity, various fungi began to recover, easy to cause athlete's foot and other skin diseases.