
Enjoy summer premature grow faster

The summer season is the rapid growth of the baby, premature baby in the size and weight of the general term childbirth to how they use the good times, they grow fast? We invited Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital pediatric endocrinology specialist director Professor Liang Liyang eleven weapon.

Premature babies,

Significant catch-up growth

In life, people often noticed that premature babies, babies sick after a while is "crazy" too long!

Is, in some cases, the child will be catching up. Catch-up growth, also known as compensatory growth. Under normal circumstances, the growth of the child must follow a certain way. For example, the growth of a healthy child, like a train along its own specific way, as determined genetic target. When children grow malnutrition, illness or lack of hormones, growth will gradually out of the way, growth retardation. Once these factors would hinder the growth of the child will outgrow the growth rate accelerated the normal age to push to the original route.

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, director of pediatric endocrinology specialist Liangli Yang said the catch-up growth in preterm infants (gestational age children also known as) s physical and mental health has a very profound impact . Firstly, the critical phase of brain development after three months of pregnancy for the first two years after birth, small for gestational age children delayed cognitive development, learning ability, the prevalence of cerebral palsy 16.2 times the normal birth weight. Catch-up growth to compensate for the rapid brain development of these defects. In addition, for low gestational age children each organ system is not mature enough, immune system disorders, compared to normal weight children are more susceptible to pneumonia, diarrhea and other infectious diseases and this is an early catch-up growth in small for gestational age prevalence of children was significantly reduced. And clinical observation showed no catch-up growth in small for gestational age children carry into adulthood the undersized high probability of life 7-8 times than normal children. Catch-up growth visible early on physical and mental development is very useful.

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Pathogen can

In general, the higher the birth weight, gestational age, the longer it takes to catch up growth. Most children catch-up growth in the two years that have occurred, the critical period is the age of a year or even before birth to six months. However, in recent years may be too fast to catch the future affects the health of children.

Numerous studies have shown that catch-up growth with a number of adult diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome are closely related. Specifically, children of low birth weight to adult obesity, diabetes tend to be seven times higher than normal people. This can be in the stages of embryonic development, which the body's metabolism to be adapted to malnutrition, to welcome these poor nutritional status, growth catch-up later in the process, is that energy intake store body as possible this change so that an adequate supply of nutrients is of circumstances rather accumulate in body fat obese. In other words, malnutrition, so that the uterus raised a baby body with a life of poverty if the child is a prosperous society, have not learned to adapt their metabolism of the body to adapt too nutrients, which in body composition adipose tissue rapidly, mainly dealing with abdominal fat accumulation, it will be a high risk of adult diseases.


The main nutrition Room

Advantages and disadvantages of different opinions to catch up, but one thing is true, and that is to strengthen the monitoring of the growth of premature babies and rational assessment. Liang Liyang director, said on a regular basis to monitor the growth of children, while the weight and size of the two indicators together, a comprehensive analysis is very important. Parents to focus on a growth curve on a regular basis to determine the physical growth of children. To give more consideration to the child "flatness" and avoiding the formation of fat "catch up", this will help early detection of adverse factors, the rapid and effective action to avoid delays in the growth of the child .

Catch-up growth in children during this time, as much as possible, so that children get their children a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and the right amount of exercise, as much as possible to maximize catch given the growth potential of genetics. Compared to normal children, children born small for gestational age significantly improve manifestly inadequate nutritional reserves, scientific feeding after birth, the level of growth of these children, but also cause prevented by excess nutrients that child is a "catch-up obesity." In addition to the diet for gestational age children a good visual, auditory, sensory and tactile sensory stimulation on the other hand, the improvement of environmental education children early, gastrointestinal function in infants and premature brain development, but can also be a good promotion of physical growth and mental development. As baby massage, provide passive exercises of the gastrointestinal hormone insulin tract, the secretion of growth hormone baby caused by direct stimulation of intestinal nutrients or growth factors play play a synergistic role in the regulation of growth and development for a better life for children pace. Sleep well children are the secretion of growth hormone in the night most of the time, the children go to bed before 10 o'clock in the ideal.

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