4 bad habits Morning, 20 years, women with accelerated aging
1 Love the truck bed
Can not afford it, many people love the holidays, especially now bed awake. I have more, "the indifferent feet and" uncomfortable sleep more "feel heavy, sleep and the bed of love, more time: the space that was occupied by people who can not afford to love something like bed when I was not strong, so it will fall asleep "Tired of feeling like a day of work or study. love bed destroys the normal pattern of life in the week, many points that the internal clock is so bad.
After waking up to urinate, 2.2 Bogey
Waking up in the morning, it can be full of urine in the bladder, there is a water emergency leave can not do until you urinate immediately and tolerance, more and more urgent. The bladder is simply fraud in the sky because it causes fainting over urination.
3.3 Bogey wake immediately after intense exercise
Only after good physical stress patterns in the early hours of the morning, many people is beneficial to health, as surely note. Until you run after running the balance of yin and yang, but the movement, you have to take a break in the morning, after the blood.
They are not just wake up without preparation, once you turn the relatively intense exercise, they are prone to cerebrovascular disease and cardiovascular disease.
Eat breakfast to 4.4 Bogey
According to nutrition experts, breakfast is the most important day in your diet. After sleeping the rest of the body, it is designed to respond to the work of the perfect day, the study in response to the consumption of the day, it is necessary to consume nutrient-rich.
The "medicine" anti-aging is a good exercise
Fresh 1: Low health
Low health, attention to diet properly and do it every day at room temperature. The goal is that you can delay the aging of the body to reduce the metabolism of cells, we can maintain a state of relatively low temperature. Indeed, at this time to ensure the health of defender of the health of many women to maintain the surface temperature of hot, in fact, women like women. "Health" low body fluid substance more female saliva, blood, digestive juices, tears, such as discharge, including all grades, because there are. So what are the material needs of the more negative food. In addition, breast symptoms palms shade women, fever Zuxin as evidenced just to get it. In order to obtain the balance of yin and yang "cold health", it is possible to body temperature to reduce the opacity of conservation, but the lack of shade, it gradually reduces the discomfort caused to disappear.
It is a healthy diet low in substance:
Do not eat food in the blazing kitchen cooking too hot mouth is good, the food, pay attention to the proper cooking temperature.
Do not eat too hot food (2) food tilting the cooler, the recipe of the meal.
Eat 3 control, eat a full 7
4 drinking water, cold water. These may include water, attention and every day.
TIPS:. "Low health" But it is not like a cold that day, less healthy women who have "frozen", not only the low short skirt as a summary, it is guaranteed to both young and healthy for long How can we always pay attention to the most important food dressing pay negative heat!
Mobilize the vitality of the brain: Grade II
Our brain starts aging body weight began to gradually released. Leave school think deeply before, you do not like many women and laid the book. In particular, some household housewife becomes monotonous repetition reduce the speed of the brain activity and is devoid of creative thinking.
It is possible to maintain the viability of the brain to perform the attention to life in a normal practice.
Please use the tooth slowly to a brain is not flawed. Since increased significantly teeth chew food cerebral blood flow, we can say that mental activity which normally provides the blood supply to the brain.
Because it is a hobby of 2 increase in learning a musical instrument as the coordination number of muscle control, please make sure you have a brain training brain is useful stylish .
"Exercises." Help in the case of the brain to slow down every 3 days, you can encourage each brain thinking and chat support is phased in between brain cells, brain aging
3 Fresh: Nutrition
Not only the outer shape of the body if the aging is not easy to eat too! The damage caused by obesity is much greater than you think. Diet, excessive stress on the stomach of the internal organs, the heart and is mainly from the increase. Slow, slow, and that is not enough for fresh blood, heart failure will be when the work of the body, there are different parts of our body, the body displays the status of the old course. Not only adipocytes, not only large amounts of potentially hormone causes diabetes while producing a substance called magma, this substance causes cerebral and cardiovascular vascular sclerosis. It requires not only a gentle spirit, rich, beautiful woman must have a healthy heart! The signs of aging, and because, until now, pay attention to your heart, do not wait outside!
So, for reasons of health, nutrition, it is please do not eat frequent meals or 7 percent full.
Not just a food, eat lots of whole grains, rough angry.
Please avoid excessive carbohydrates 2 Do not eat the best dinner, and the food, especially carbohydrates. Also, please do not ignore the vegetables with high starch content, the content of high carbohydrate.
Please avoid alcoholic soft drinks and fruit drinks 3 I except fresh juices.
Figure 4, please do not eat, fatty acids such as food, French fries, margarine, candy, cakes, as such should be based on olive oil as food base for oil.